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July 28, 2017. ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Katherine Bell won the Best Presenter Award in the ASPET Student Final Presentations.
April 18, 2016. UC Health Research Rising Star Award. http://www.kaltura.com/tiny/khfgc
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Jan. 1, 2015. First day of Jiang Lab at the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy.
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May 1, 2012. Mechanisms of seizure-induced inflammation of the brain: many possible roles for neuronal COX-2. Epilepsy Currents. 12:115-117 (2012). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.5698/1535-7511-12.3.115
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Feb. 14, 2012. New class of potential drugs inhibits inflammation in brain. Science Daily. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120214122031.htm
Aug. 18, 2011. NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience selects Emory team for drug discovery in stroke. Health News Digest. http://www.healthnewsdigest.com/news/Stroke0/NIH_Blueprint_for_Neuroscience_Selects_Emory_Team_for_Drug_Discovery_in_Stroke.shtml
Jan. 22, 2010. New group of compounds could help protect brain cells from stroke or seizure. Web Wire. http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=111455